Robert J. Elisberg


Like most people of taste, I love the comedy team of Bob & Ray.  I don’t have a substantive collection, but plenty enough tapes, books of scripts, and videos to keep me smiling through eternity.  In fairness, one tape would do that.

A few decades back, I attended a Bob & Ray tribute in Los Angeles.  Bob Elliott was there, though Ray Goulding was unfortunately in one of his last illnesses.  Still, it was a wonderful evening.  And when it came time for a Q&A, although I’m reticent of such things, my hand shot up, And I got called first.  “Why are you Bob & Ray – and not Ray & Bob?”

After the laughter died down, Bob smiled, “That’s the first time anyone has ever asked that.”  He didn’t remember exactly, but it had to do with how the title of their first radio show, Have a Good Day with Bob & Ray, rhymed.

I’m a believer in letter writing and randomly saying nice things to people who deserve it.  A few years later, for no particular reason I wrote a brief note to Bob Elliott saying how much I loved his work with Ray.  I got a nice reply – but it was his stationery that I treasured.  Not only was it the funniest letterhead I’ve seen, but the bottom of the page made a gem classic.

Across the bottom was a list of the mythical Bob & Ray factories around the world.  All fancy towns: Newport, Palm Beach, Bel Air, Charlevoix, Scottsdale and more.  And last on the list, at the far right – my home town, Glencoe!
And no, my initial letter was not sent from there, but rather Los Angeles. It was just pure whimsy. Like most things Bob & Ray.

Robert J. Elisberg

Robert J. Elisberg is a screenwriter, novelist and journalist, and some other things he forgets, currently living in Los Angeles.


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